Stripper Column is used in physical separation process where one or more components are removed from a liquid stream from a vapor stream to remove low boils such as Methanol; Ethanol etc. from effluent feed as low as 0.5% so that (Multi Effect Evaporator) MEE operations are trouble free.

Stripping columns are frequently used for:

  • Treatment of contaminated groundwater in soil remediation
  • Removal of volatile organic hydrocarbons such as Benzene, Toluene, Ethylene, Xylene (BTEX)
  • Removal of Organo Hologene compounds such as Per-chlorethylene and Tri-chloro Ethylene (Per & Tri)
  • Removal of Phenols (partly)
  • Disposal of Alifatic hydrocarbons
  • Removal of chlorinated hydrocarbons
  • Removal of Naphthalene
  • Removal of Ammonia