Piezometers are used to measure pore water pressure (Piezometric level) in the ground. The piezometer is used to measure pore water pressure in the soil, earth, rock fills, foundations and concrete structures. It provides substantial quantitative data on the magnitude and distribution of pore pressure and its variations. It also helps in evaluating the pattern of seepage, zones of potential piping and the effectiveness of seepage control measures undertaken. It also provides basic data for design improvement that will promote safer & more economical design & construction.
Types of Piezometers:
- Standpipe Piezometers. The standpipe piezometer is the most basic type of piezometer.
- Vibrating Wire Piezometers. The vibrating wire piezometer is the most commonly deployed type of piezometer.
- Pneumatic Piezometers. The pneumatic piezometer operates by gas pressure.
Flowmeters are apparatuses used to monitor the amount of vapor, liquid, or gas passing through them. Some flowmeters are meant to measure the fluid amount flowing inside them after a period of time (100 liters per minute, for instance). Flowmeters are used to measure the mass flow rate or the volumetric flow rate of a fluid in many types of applications. The type of airflow meter is based on its application. Volumetric flow rate and mass flow rate are units used to measure gases and liquids.
Types of Flow Meters:
- Coriolis.
- DP Meters.
- Magnetic Meters.
- Multiphase Meters.
- Ultrasonic Meters.
- Vortex Meters.